Marie Thouin, Ph.D.

Scholar • Author • Coach • Speaker

Author of What is compersion? Understanding Positive Empathy in Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships

Research interests: Compersion, Consensual Non-Monogamy, Mindful Dating, Intimate Relationships, Somatic Sexology

Languages: English, French (fluent), and Spanish (conversational)


2014-2021: PhD in East-West Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA

Dissertation title: Compersion in Consensually Nonmonogamous Couples: A Grounded Theory Investigation (read HERE)

2010-2013: Masters of Business Administration, Management concentration, Golden Gate University,San Francisco, CA

2007-2009: B.A. in Business Administration, Management concentration, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA

2000-2002: Music and Humanities joint diploma, College de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada



Thouin, M. (2024). What is compersion? Understanding Positive Empathy in Consensually Nonmonogamous Relationships. Rowman & Littlefield.

Thouin-Savard., M.I., Flicker, S.M. (2023). Compersion. In: Shackelford, T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham.

Flicker, S., Thouin-Savard, M. I., & Vaughan, M. (2022). Factors that facilitate and hinder the experience of compersion among individuals in consensually non-monogamous relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-14.

Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2021). Compersion in Consensually Nonmonogamous Couples: A Grounded Theory Investigation. Dissertation.

Hartelius, G., Harrahy, M., Crouch, C., Adler, H., Thouin-Savard, M. I., Stamp, G., & Pardo, S. (2021). Second-Wave Transpersonal Psychology: Embodied, Embedded, Diverse, Transforming. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 53(1), 9-30.

Thouin-Savard, M. (2021). BOOK REVIEW: Love and Freedom: Transcending Monogamy and Polyamory, by Jorge Ferrer. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 53(2), 239-243.

Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2019). Erotic Mindfulness: A Core Educational and Therapeutic Strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 38(1), 203-219.

Thouin-Savard, M. I. & Malkemus, S. (2019). Introduction to the Special Section on Transpersonal Sexuality. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 38(1), 59-65.

Hartelius, G., Thouin-Savard, M. I., & Richards Crouch, C. (2018). Rigor in the multicultural psychology of the whole person: Embracing the challenge (Editors’ Introduction). International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 37(1).

Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2017). Adversarial Collaboration: How Free and Open Debate Leads to Better Transpersonal Ideas (Editor’s Introduction). International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 36(2).

Hartelius, G., Krippner, S., & Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2017). Transpersonal and psychology: An experiment in inclusivity and rigor (Editors’ introduction). International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 36(1).

Redfield, A., & Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2017). Electronic dance music events as modern-day ritual. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 36(1).


10/2024: Professional training (CE units available): The Research-Based Roadmap to Compersion. Two-hour virtual interactive seminar offered hosted by Sex Therapy New Mexico.

10/2024: Guest Workshop: The Art & Science of Compersion. Two-hour virtual interactive workshop offered hosted by Wicked Grounds.

09/2024: Webinar: Humanizing Online Dating with Mindful Swiping. 90-minute virtual interactive workshop.

07/2024: Webinar: 6 Pillars of Mindful Dating Masterclass. 90-minute virtual interactive workshop.

05/2024: Guest Workshop: The (research-based) Roadmap to Compersion. 90-minute virtual interactive workshop hosted by Plura Community.

03/2024: Guest Workshop: Embodying your Authentic Self in Romantic Relationships. Six-hour virtual interactive workshop hosted by the California Institute of Integral Studies Public Programs.

09/2023: Webinar: How to find joy when your partner is on a date with someone else. Interactive presentation & lecture co-hosted by MonogamishMe Community.

09/2023: Conference Presentation (CE units available): Fresh Perspectives on Breakups. Hour long lecture presented at the Sexual Health Alliance’s The Science Behind Relationships Sexceptional Summit (online).

05/2023: Guest Workshop: Embodying your Authentic Self in Romantic Relationships. Six-hour virtual interactive workshop hosted by the California Institute of Integral Studies Public Programs.

03/2023: Guest Workshop: Dating YOUR way. Two-hour virtual interactive workshop offered to Normalizing Non-Monogamy Community.

10/2022: Guest Workshop: The Roadmap to Compersion in Polyamory. Two-hour virtual interactive workshop offered to Leveled Up Love Community.

05/2022: Conference Presentation (CE units available): What is Compersion? Understanding Empathic Joy in Consensually Nonmonogamous Relationships. Hour long lecture presented at the Sexual Health Alliance’s More Than Two: Trailblazers in CNM Research & Education Summit (online).

03/2022: Guest Workshop (CE units available): Healthy Relationship & Intimacy Skills. Two-hour virtual interactive workshop offered to Youth Services of the Richland Department of Public Health (Ohio).

02/2022: Guest Interview: Rethinking Relationships Summit. Compersion: How can we find sympathetic joy in our relationships? Presented at the Rethinking Relationships virtual conference.

01/2020: Guest Presentation (CE units available): Compersion in Consensually Nonmonogamous Relationships. Webinar presented at the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) (online).

11/2019: Guest Lecture: Compersion in Consensually Nonmonogamous Relationships. Hour long presentation co-sponsored by the sociology and psychology departments. El Camino College; Torrance, CA

04/2019: Conference Lecture: Erotic Mindfulness: A Core Educational and Therapeutic Strategy in Somatic Sexology Practices. Association of Transpersonal Psychology 50th anniversary conference; Pacific Grove, CA

04/2019: Conference Panel: Second-Wave Transpersonal Psychology: Embodied, Embedded, Diverse, Transforming. Association of Transpersonal Psychology 50th anniversary conference; Pacific Grove, CA

11/2016: Conference Poster Presentation: Embodied Intimacy as Spiritual Path: Towards a Presence-Based Model of Optimal Sexuality. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality conference; Phoenix, AZ

11/2015: Conference Lecture: Sex, self-transcendence and collective transformation: Towards a new paradigm of human sexuality. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality conference; Albuquerque, NM

05/2014: Conference Lecture: Sex, self-transcendence and collective transformation: Towards a new paradigm of human sexuality. East-West Psychology Student Symposium; San Francisco, CA



SHAMELESS SEX. (2024, October 22nd). Why compersion is your new favorite relationship tool, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

THE NEW YORK TIMES. (2024, October 16th). 6 Books About Nonmonogamy, Recommended by Therapists. [Interviewed for article]. Retrieved from

WOMEN’S HEALTH MAGAZINE. (2024, October 12th). How To Ask Someone Out In Real Life—And Why It Can Help You Gain Confidence. [Interviewed for article]. Retrieved from

JUST BETWEEN US. (2024, October 9th). Compersion with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

LAST FIRST DATE RADIO. (2024, August 27th). How to develop compersion in any relationship, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

NORMALIZING NON-MONOGAMY Podcast. (2024, July 26th). Ask us anything about compersion. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

EVOLVING LOVE Podcast. (2024, July 19th). Can compersion be selfish? [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

SEX & PSYCHOLOGY Podcast. (2024, June 28th). Mastering the art of mindful dating, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

SEX & PSYCHOLOGY Podcast. (2024, June 25th). What is Compersion?, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

MULTIAMORY Podcast. (2024, June 18). Compersion is a Spectrum, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

HUFFPOST. (2024, May 31st). You May Be In A 'Tolyamorous’ Relationship Without Ever Having Discussed It. [Interviewed for article]. Retrieved from

MAKING POLYAMORY WORK Podcast w/Libby Sinback. (2024, May 21). Nerding out on compersion, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

PLAYING WITH FIRE Podcast w/Joli & Ken Hamilton. (2023, October 14). COMPERSTRUGGLE: When compersion and jealousy collide, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

THE BONDING HOUR w/Eli Sheff & Carrie Jeroslow. (2023, October 9). Can compersion change the narrative of intimate relationships? Retrieved from (Contributor)

THE WRIGHT CONVERSATIONS Podcast w/Rachel Wright. (2023, August 2). A conversation about compersion, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

HUFFPOST. (2023, July 18th). You Might Be Experiencing ‘Compersion’ In Your Relationship. Here's How To Know. [Interviewed for article]. Retrieved from

THE SAVAGE LOVECAST Podcast w/Dan Savage. (2023, June 13). ‘Feel the compersion’ with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

THE RELATIONSHIP DIVERSITY Podcast. (2023, June 8). Embracing compersion: The transformative power of joy in non-monogamous relationships, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

NOPE! WE’RE NOT MONOGAMOUS Podcast. (2023, May 18). Embracing compersion in your relationships, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

CURIOUS FOX Podcast. (2022, December 7). Nurturing compersion according to research, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

PLAYING WITH FIRE: NON-MONOGAMY & INDIVIDUATION Podcast (2022, November 5). How can I feel more compersion? with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

EVOLVING LOVE Podcast (2022, October 24). Cultivating compersion, with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. (Contributor)

OPEN LATE Podcast (2022, September 28). Compersion is available to you and you and you! with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2022, September 19). When you feel jealous, think about cultivating “compersion”. UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center’s Magazine. Retrieved from

MULTIAMORY Podcast. (2022, August 20). Compersion: Is it necessary? with Drs. Marie Thouin and Sharon Flicker. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

LOVING WITHOUT BOUNDARIES with Kitty Chambliss Podcast. (2022, July 1). Interview with Drs. Marie Thouin, Sharon Flicker, and Michelle Vaughan on compersion. (Contributor)

COURAGEOUSLY EXPANDING LOVE with Elizabeth Cunningham. (2022, April 12). Immersing in compersion with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Video Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

NORMALIZING NON-MONOGAMY Podcast with Emma & Fin. (2022, March 11). Compersion! with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

SEX OUT LOUD Podcast with Tristan Taormino. (2021, June 25). Compersion in Polyamory with Dr. Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

LEADING EDGE LOVE Podcast with Sumati Sparks (2021, June 8). Interview with Dr. Marie Thouin, Compersion Researcher, Dating & Relationship Coach. Retrieved from (Contributor)

LOVING WITHOUT BOUNDARIES with Kitty Chambliss Podcast. (2021, May 11). Interview with Dr. Marie Thouin, Compersion Researcher, Dating & Relationship Coach. (Contributor)

THE SHAME-FREE ZONE with Veronica Monet. (2021, March 25). Jealousy, empathy, and sex: Interview with Dr. Marie Thouin. Retrieved from (Contributor)

MULTIAMORY Podcast. (2020, August 18). Compersion research with Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from

MAGIC OF THE SPHERES Podcast. (2020, May 3). Mindful dating with Marie Thouin. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)

Thouin-Savard, M. I. (2019, October/November). Compersion: Transforming Jealousy and Envy Into Joy.Common Ground Magazine. Retrieved from

Larochelle, S. (2019, August 26). La compersion: La nouvelle emotion cool? Elle Quebec Magazine.Retrieved from

EMOTIONS Podcast. (2019, March 31). La compersion: Peut-on apprendre à être heureux du bonheur de l’autre? [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from (Contributor)


Founder & Dating and Relationship Coach @ Love InSight (02/2020—current)

Through one-on-one and couple coaching relationships, I have helped my clients:

  • Create inner clarity and communication strategies around authentic desires and boundaries

  • Transcend sexual concerns and become sexually confident

  • Navigate consensual nonmonogamy

  • Establish action plans for creating intentional relationships

  • Navigate online dating successfully

Editor @ International Journal for Transpersonal Studies (11/2014 – current)

  • Co-edited and curated a Transpersonal Sexuality Special Topic Issue

  • Solicited manuscripts on different topics relevant to the Journal, evaluated new submissions for suitability, and communicated with authors about publication decisions and requests for revisions

  • Managed editorial and peer-review processes for new article submissions, including composing editorial reviews, recruiting peer reviewers, evaluating authors’ revisions, and working closely with authors to bring manuscripts to publication standards

  • Proof-read and edited articles for consistency and formatting standards

  • Trained and supervised over ten interns and journal staff members

  • Updated journal website (hosted on BePress) with new publications and corrections

  • Coordinated all operations towards publication of several journal issues

Program Manager for the Integral & Transpersonal Psychology PhD program @ California Institute of Integral Studies (08/2016 – 07/2019)

  • Closely assisted Program Chair and Founder with launching and developing the program in a startup-like environment

  • Represented the program at different events such as open houses and online info-sessions, as well as assisting with marketing and promotion

  • Acted as the main University liaison for all students in the program

  • Recruited faculty members and assisted them with hiring process

  • Assisted Program Chair with budget planning and daily financial operations

  • Created and managed social media pages for the program

  • Hired, trained, and supervised all Program Assistants



Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) (01/2020 - present)

Founded in 2005, the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) is a national-level, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that supports research addressing understudied sexualities, with a current focus on kink/BDSM/leather/fetish sexualities and consensual non-monogamous relationships such as polyamory. Employing a community-based research model, CARAS has assembled a network of academics, clinicians and respected members of these communities who will work directly with researchers to promote scientific and other forms of scholarly research.